At the last minute I found out that the gift I had arranged for my mother was not something that she wanted (even though I told her I was doing it almost 3 weeks ago). That left me in a quandary as to what to get/make for her as a gift. I finally decided to buy her a candle (which she loves) and a puzzle (which she also loves) and make her a simple puzzle keeper. Problem solved.
By the way, a puzzle keeper is a great little gadget for anyone who works puzzles to have. Basically you take an empty wrapping paper tube and cut it down to about 6 inches larger than the most common size puzzle that you work. Then buy some felt ( the kind that comes on a bolt and not the little squares available in the craft stores) and cut it to the same height and the length should be about a yard. Cover the wrapping paper tube in tacky glue or spray adhesive and then roll the felt onto the tube all the way around it until the felt meets. Allow the glue to dry. On the opposite end from where the tube is about 1/4 of the way from the top attach ribbon by folding a 24 inch piece of ribbon in half and crease. Pin the ribbon about 1/2 inch in from the outside edge of the felt and sew in place along the crease. Repeat for the bottom side. Now the recipient can work the puzzle on the mat. When he/she is done working it for the day simply roll it up (including the loose pieces) and tie it closed. The felt keeps the pieces from sliding and shifting and you don't have to worry about losing pieces when little fingers or paws come exploring.
So that just leaves my very last project, a crochet beagle dog for H. Currently the body, ears, and part of the head are done. I should have it completed tonight leaving Christmas eve open for baking cookies, making deviled eggs, candlelight communion at church, and our tradition of opening one present each. And I was worried about getting it all done! (Usually I am up Christmas eve trying to finish everything!)
Hope each of you have a wonderful and very blessed Christmas. Please remember to take a moment and thank God for the first, and best, gift ever given...that of his Son.