First, a closer relationship with and better understanding of God. I plan to accomplish this by reading though the Bible chronologically. (To be honest I have already started this one, but you can still join in.) You can join my by clicking this link. or go to to chose your own preferred version.
Second, I want to see the me I see in my head start to appear in the mirror. I plan to start this goal with Sparkpeople's Spark Your Body Bootcamp Challenge and Contest. I have talked about Sparkpeople on here before so hopefully you have picked up on those posts. If not, check it out. It is completely free, they help plan your meals, count calories for you, free exercise plans, and exercise videos. I lost 40 lbs last time I sparked and I plan to lose even more this time. If you do join up, please look me up...I am sunflowers4me on Sparkpeople.
Third, I plan to start charity crocheting again. Now that baby A is starting to entertain herself a little more and I can find some time to crochet some, I really want to start making things for babies again. I primarily make items for God's Tiny Angels, and have off and on for years now. I have a lot of respect for the woman who organizes it all as she does so with no financial compensations. If she doesn't collect enough to mail packages out she covers the cost herself. She really has a heart for these babies and children and for serving God using the talent He has provided her. I plan to donate 50 items to GTA in 2010.
I have many others, but I really think that I will follow through on these 3 so those are the ones I am sharing. chicken? Yup! don't want to post it if I probably won't follow through with it! Happy New Year's Eve to all!