This is the last DVD in The Jesus Series. Separate videos cover the birth and death of Jesus and this one focuses on Jesus' ministry along the shores of Lake Galilee and the villages near Nazareth. Jesus calls His disciples to Him, feeds 5,000 people, heals the sick, teaches about God’s kingdom and introduces the Lord’s Supper. Unlike previous DVD's in the series, this one is not broken into short segments but is done as one continuous story.
The first time I took a long car trip with baby A, J and H we popped the video in. All 3 of them were mesmerized by the story and were very attentive. H even stopped to ask questions (mommy, who is that supposed to be? A Pharisee dear, Ciaphas I believe.) It is rare that a single movie entertains the baby and J but this one definitely did. This will stick around for quite some time. I liked that it was an accurate portrayal, even if some of the stories felt a little short to me. The animation kept the kids attention.
This goes on my recommended list!