On the other hand, today is also the day that my new neighbors move in. I swear the former family took the last of their items out and 30 minutes later then new family arrived to start moving in! I have never seen anything like that before!. They also have kids from what I can tell. Hopefully the new neighbors will become new friends.
Did you know that the rose symbolizes new beginnings and hope as well as love? Wanna guess what today's flower is? That's right, a rose. The pattern comes form June Gilbank from Planet June and you can find the pattern here. Be sure to check out the whole site though because there are LOTS of cute patterns there!
Here is my little rose.
I am still stuck on the hair accessories theme so this one is going on a hair clip. I need to make a couple of leaves to go under it though. June had some neat instructions to add a calyx and stem to it so you can create an everblooming vase of roses. No more droopy falling over flowers in the center of the table!
Until next time,