I have been trying to get my husband to replace my 15+ year old, originally white carpet for at least 10 years now. After surviving 4 toddlers and now 3 teens it has definitely seen better days. When my husband finally agreed and we ordered new floors ( a really pretty mahogany laminate) I wasn't about to stand in the way when he began working. What we weren't prepared for was for a simple day long project to turn into two weeks of major home renovation. Still, that post is for another day. Suffice it to say that I am currently typing while sitting on a couch in the middle of a room in which I was able to move things around and create a small space in which to sit. I have been able to manage to continue to make a hat a day for the 40 in 40 project, just not get pictures or post. I promise they are coming!
Which leads me to Easter candy. Yesterday I braved my local store. At this point I really just wanted to grab whatever I could shove in their baskets or a plastic egg. God, however, kept laying it on my heart that my plan just wasn't going to happen. I knew I didn't want the typical chocolate bunnies. (That Veggie Tale song kept going through my head from Rack, Shack and Benny - "the bunny, the bunny, whoa I love the bunny") I wanted a chocolate cross.
I don't know if it was due to my procrastination or if it were simply a lack of production, but I had the hardest time finding any. When I finally found a small box of chocolate crosses it was on the bottom shelf, nearly hidden by the massive amounts of hollow chocolate bunnies.
What have we done to Easter, my heart whispered? And I knew then that anything I bought had to have a meaning. It had to point my children to the true meaning of Easter. And so I began looking at this plethora of sugary treats with new eyes. How could it point the way to the cross?
Here is what I finally brought home for the baskets. I wish I had time to make cute little tags to put with them and to share with you, but my house still needs to be put back together so instead I'll just share the items and the meanings. Perhaps when life returns to normal I'll come back to them.
Chocolate coins - Jesus was betrayed for a few coins, Matthew 26:14-16
Twizzlers - to remind us that Jesus was scourged, John 19:1
chocolate cross - Jesus gave His life on the cross, Luke 23:46
Plastic egg with pop rocks in them - Jesus was laid in a tomb and a rock placed in front of it, Mark 15:43-46
Ring pops - We are precious to God, He loves us so much that He sent His Son to die for us, Romans 5:8
Lifesavers - Jesus is the ONLY one who can save us, Romans 10:9
My house may be in chaos, I'm behind on blog posts, and I will be attempting to cook in a kitchen filled with items from my dining room, but I am okay with all of that. Why? Because ultimately none of that matters. What matters is that I point my children to Jesus and make sure they understand how much He loves them and what He has sacrificed so that they have an opportunity to spend eternity with Him.
"Fix these words of mine in your hearts and mind...Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." Deuteronomy 11:18-19
Until next time,