So we all survived another Monday. J had Upwards Soccer practice. He seems to like this much better than the more competitive soccer group he has been in in the past. He is still very competitive, but now it isn't just the coach's child playing all of the time. His first game is April 11th. Baby A now has her two bottom teeth. She is furniture walking, into everything, and has prompted her first (and hopefully her last) poison control phone call.
Seems she decided that my rubber plant looked really yummy and decided to give it a try. She must have liked it as she ate an entire huge leaf! I immediately begin a search online to see if it is poisonous. Some sites say yes, others say no so I give poison control a call. Apparently the plant is NOT poisonous, it is just a skin irritant for some people. Meaning that it could irritate her mouth and hands. Not this child! She went on about her business as usual. Needless to say this plant is now blocked off from the crawling eating machine!
Beginning this month I am going to try and memorize a scripture verse a week. I went to Wal-mart and bought some clear acrylic picture frames that fit a wallet size picture for 50 cents each. Every week I will choose a verse, print out a pic with the verse on it to put in the frames and place them around the house. I am going to share them with you every Tuesday as well.
This week it is Psalm 9:9 "the Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble" I chose it this week because of my sister. She is going through some difficult times right now and I was looking for something to encourage her. It is also an ecouragement for me as well. It is a reminder that He is there for us even when we feel oppressed, overwhelmed, abandoned by the world and those in it. He will continue to stand beside us, loving us, wanting the best for us, waiting for us to confide in Him, waiting for us to give our problems to Him so He can work.
Feel free to click on the picture to view it and sace it to your computer. Have a blessed day!