Baby A got her third tooth in as of this morning. It was her top center right tooth. That explains why she didn't want to sleep last night until almost 11:30 pm! Boy was that a long night as she didn't sleep well and I didn't give her any Tylenol as I didn't realize she was teething. Today she is in a much better mood and is currently happily playing on the floor.

H performed in her school talent show last night. I almost missed it as we were shopping in the school book fair and lost track of time. She sang "Shout to the Lord" and did a beatiful job if I do say so myself. She was a little disappointed as she had also worked on a separate routine with another little girl and unfortunately the other girl was not able to come and perform that evening. The good news is that it was nothing that a new book, Dear Dumb Diary, wasn't able to fix!
I also finally got around to uploading J's favorite song from his All-County performance last week. Take a listen if you are interested.
And finally the wecipe err.... recipe. With it being almost Easter I decided to make Easter eggs. I typically make the peanut butter eggs, and I plan to again this year, but I love the coconut ones! So this year I am going to make some of them as well. You are welcome to join me. Below is the recipe:
H performed in her school talent show last night. I almost missed it as we were shopping in the school book fair and lost track of time. She sang "Shout to the Lord" and did a beatiful job if I do say so myself. She was a little disappointed as she had also worked on a separate routine with another little girl and unfortunately the other girl was not able to come and perform that evening. The good news is that it was nothing that a new book, Dear Dumb Diary, wasn't able to fix!
I also finally got around to uploading J's favorite song from his All-County performance last week. Take a listen if you are interested.
And finally the wecipe err.... recipe. With it being almost Easter I decided to make Easter eggs. I typically make the peanut butter eggs, and I plan to again this year, but I love the coconut ones! So this year I am going to make some of them as well. You are welcome to join me. Below is the recipe:
Easter Coconut Eggs
1 stick butter, softened
3 1/2 cups sifted powdered sugar
2 tsp coconut extract
1 Tbsp whole milk
2 1/2 cups coconut flakes
Chocolate flavored almond bark or chocolate chips
Mix first four ingredients in a stand mixer on low until combined. Be sure to scrape the sides and bottom of the bowl frequently. Also, be careful when starting it up or your whole kitchen will be white. Trust me on this one! Once they are combined, all coconut flakes and mix thouroughly.
Divide the mix into 6 equal portions. Form each portion into an egg shape and place on a plate covered with wax paper. Freeze for approximately 30 minutes or place in refridgerator overnight. 
(I know! What an ugly puke yellow color for a countertop but it came with the house so what can I say?)Melt approximately 1/2 of the package of almond bark or chocolate chips. Place cold coconut eggs on a wire rack and spoon the melted chocolate over them to cover the top and sides. Remove from rack once chocolate has hardened enough to be handled. Now dip the bottoms of the eggs in the melted chocolate. Place them on a piece of wax paper to harden. Enjoy!
Word of advice...don't let the eggs completely freeze. If you do then you will end up with huge cracks in the chocolate as the coconut warms up! Don't ask me how I know. All I will say is that baby A was fussing, I was trying to get laundry done, and the phone kept ringing. The next thing I knew LOTS more than 30 minutes had passed since I had put the eggs in the freezer. They still taste gret though! Oh, no finished egg pics because...well just because. If you make up a batch why not post a pic of your own for everyone to see?