Some days, I forget just how much I am blessed. I have battled depression most of my life. When depression hits it is really difficult to see just how good life really is from that dark place. Perhaps that is why I jumped on the idea that Jenae posted over at I Can Teach My Child. She has declared November as Intentional Acts of Kindness Month.
The basic idea is that everyday for the month of November you and your kids do something intentional to be kind and bless another. I know that in my dark days having someone say or do something kind goes a long way towards helping me see the light at the end of the tunnel. So this challenge not only allows me to hopefully lift someone else, but it also is an opportunity to teach my children the gift of kindness. You see, kindness not only benefits the person who is blessed, but it also blesses the person performing the act.
Think about it. When you do something nice for someone else, don't you feel good too? Acts 20:35 says it is more blessed to give than to receive.
So here are my acts of kindness for the week
November 1: I am posting a free rental code (N4FUNV) on my local blockbuster express kiosk, I also did dishes (my daughters daily chore) and raked the yard (my son's daily chore)
November 2: making the Crochet Yoked Baby Sweater to be donated to God's Tiny Angels. We also went through all of the Halloween candy collected and sorted out all of the hard candy to be included in our Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes
November 3: send a card to my local librarian. Princess A has been attending story hour at the library and the librarian puts a lot of work into making sure it is an educational and fun hour every week
November 4: drop off some food at the community cupboard
November 5: FREE PRINTABLE over at Sunflowers at School that can be used this month with your child.
November 6: Since it is Sunday, or as Princess A calls it "church day", I am making this Angel Bookmark and leaving it in a public place with a card attached to it. (look for the free printable on Sunday!)
So what about you? Are you doing any intentional acts of kindness? I would love for you to share them here!
Until next time,