and printed it out on a full sheet of paper. She sleeps on the bottom bunk of her bunk beds so I taped it to the underside of the top bunk. That way she will see it every morning as she wakes up.
I love this verse for two reasons, first it reminds her that she is just as important, just as special, as anyone else. Preteens and teens tend to get lost in the background. They aren't children that need constant supervision anymore, but they aren't adults yet either. They tend to be overlooked. This verse will hopefully remind her that God has a purpose for everyone at every age and her purpose is just as important as anyone elses.
Second it reminds her that she can set an example to those around her, her peers, her elders and those younger than her. Then it goes on to give her specific areas to focus on.
Feel free to print out your own copy.
Until next time,