How long does it take to make a difference in the life of a child?
For good or for ill, individual moments in a young person's life can make all the difference in their future. It may be something said or done by an adult who hardly thinks about it: a hug, a compliment, an intriguing question, a sincere applause. But in that moment, the child discovers who they are, what is important to them, why they matter, and sometimes even what their destiny will be. Most of us want to help encourage and build into this next generation, most of us see the need all around, but we just have no idea where to begin.
Now, with this book, you know where to begin and you know that it only takes Just a Minute
You don't have to be a teacher, a parent, a pastor, or a doctor to make a difference in the life of a child. You only have to be willing!
My Review:
This is a great collection of real life stories of how a small moment in time can have so much meaning in the life of a child. The book is broken into seven section. These include A moment for rescue, a moment to build self-worth, a moment to form character, a moment to discover talent, a moment to awaken the spirit, a moment to stretch the mind, and a moment to realize one's calling. Most of the stories included in this book illustrate how children are positively influenced in those moments. However it does acknowledge that those moments can have a negative impact as well.
I found the stories heart touching and even found myself reflecting on those who have touched my life and helped shape me into the women I am today. And while all of these stories are great, it was the final chapter that held the most meaning for me. The reminder that while it is great to reflect on those who affected me, I also need to look around for opportunities to affect others as well. Stafford says in this chapter, "tomorrow's leaders, in whose hands the future rests, will still climb into your lap today, run to your embrace, laugh at your jokes, listen to your wisdom, and comfort you with tiny arms and big hugs. But not for I'm asking you to join me in doing something great...If there isn't something in your life that is bigger than you, outside of you, not about you, that demands and deserves your time, talent, and treasure, I beg you, don't live like that. We don't have time to simply coast."
This book serves as a reminder that the next generation, and generations to come are being shaped by the minutes we spend with them today, both the good minutes and the bad. We have an obligation to make the right impressions on them, impressions that guide them to the good and honorable paths, that guide them to the narrow and less traveled path of truth. This book is a call to action to take part with ANY child who crosses your path because God has put them in our paths for a reason.
Want a chance to win your own copy? The publisher has provided me with 2 copies of this book and I am passing them on to you. Scroll down to enter.
Until next time,
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