Thursday, April 18, 2013


I am finally beginning to think that spring has arrived to my little section of the world and that it is safe to pack up the bulky winter coats and sweaters.  Spring and Autumn are my favorite seasons - I love all of the colors!  Here is a peak of spring around my house

I planted some peas along my fence line this year.  The fence had been overgrown with Virginia Creeper, so Little Man and I spent an entire afternoon clearing it and trying to untangle and save a honeysuckle that had been growing as well.  I hope to plant some sunflowers along the fence later this year too.

These are growing along the side of my house.  I wish bleeding hearts stayed in bloom all year and not just spring.  The little delicate flowers are beautiful and I love to see them all in a row.  The carpenter bees seem to like them too as well as the butterflies.  

These wild violets sprinkle the hill in my backyard giving it a splash of color.  I have heard of people using them to make jelly, but I don't have enough of them to try it.  Besides, I think they are to pretty to pick.

These have been at the top of my hill tucked into a cluster of trees since we bought the property.  I have no idea what it is, but it comes back every year. Thanks to a Facebook friend posting a picture of her flowers in bloom I have discovered that this is Dogwood!  

My Stargazer lillies are starting to crop up, a gift from my oldest daughter last year for Mother's Day.  The get the prettiest flowers on them and I keep this pot on my back porch.  When the flowers are in bloom the porch smells so sweet.

And the true marker of spring are the little, blue Robin eggs.  I used to keep bird feeders in the yard, but last year our cat, Nibbler, decided it was more fun to hang outdoors than indoors.  She also discovered that she could catch the baby birds when they were learning to fly.  It wasn't a good thing.  Many days I spent chasing the cat away.  This momma bird wasn't to smart when she created this next.  It is only about 2 feet off the ground!  Momma is a feisty one though in that we often see and hear her chasing Nibbler away from the tree!  These babies might have a chance if momma keeps it up!

I have some garlic, lettuce and celery growing in the garden.  I started some tomatoes and cucumbers as well.  What has me most excited is the little, blurry seedling you see above.  I am hoping it is a carrot.  Now carrots are supposed to be the easiest thing to grow, only I can't ever get them to grow!  A few of these little seedlings have popped up on the carrot row this year.  Maybe I will get lucky!  

And while I tend to spend more time outdoors this time of year, my hands are still on my knitting needles in the evenings.  I am trying to finish up a sunflower toddler sized afghan I started quite some time ago.  I want to give it to Princess for her birthday.  Will post pictures of it next time.

Until next time,