Meet the ugliest doll ever!
For more than 6 months every time Princess and I go to the craft store she has picked this doll up and carried it around with her. When Princess first found her she was ugly. She had a blue tinged face and wiry hair, naked other than shoes. She was in a box with other dolls - pretty dolls - dolls that I felt were much better than this one. But Princess was drawn to this one. Princess named her Cinderellabella. Over time the doll had lost most of it's hair and one of the sleepy eyes is missing. Still, Princess would seek her out every time we went in and I always warned her that perhaps she would not be there. Cinderellabella always was.
Yesterday she finally asked if we could bring her home. My first instinct was to say no way, the doll wasn't worth paying for, it was broken, used up, defective. But I saw the love in her eyes and couldn't say no. What I did say was that she would have to ask what the price of the doll was and she would have to pay for it herself. If she wanted this ugly doll then she would agree, and she did.
The store owner told her it was a dollar. My opinion was that it wasn't worth it. The owner would never be able to sell this doll in it's current condition to anyone other than my daughter, but my sweet 4 year old agreed and brought Cinderellabella home. This doll goes with her everywhere now. Cinderellabella is her prized possession. She rushed to show her off when Little Man and Big Princess came home. When dad arrived home this was the first thing she told him about. I didn't get it.
Until I did. This morning God showed me something special about this situation, and I am sure you have already seen it. I'm a little slow sometimes. While I saw only an ugly doll, my daughter saw something of worth. Much like God sees the worth in each of us.
All of us are less than perfect. We have our versions of an off color face, an eye that doesn't see, we are less than beautiful, even if only on the inside. We are flawed. Many may view us as less than desirable, only seeing our flaws. Jesus however sees our worth, much as my daughter saw worth in this doll. He seeks us out at every opportunity and loves on us. He values us so much that he paid a price that was much to high just so he could give us a home. Jesus is proud of us and loves us unconditionally. While the world may see the ugly doll, Jesus sees a beautiful treasure.
It's days like this that I wonder if God gives us children so we can teach them, or so they can teach us. I learn so much about Him through them!
Romans 5:8 but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Zephaniah 3:17 The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing.
Until next time,