Friday, May 1, 2020

Friday Features

Hooray for Friday! Or at least I THINK it is Friday. Who knows anymore as one day bleeds into the next.... So to break up the monotony I thought I would share some cute Covid patterns from around the web with you.  I do realize that this is a serious virus and that many people have been affected by it.  I am in no way attempting to minimize the virus.  But I do think that finding something to smile about helps lift the spirits, and who couldn't use a bit of that?  So here we go...

Toilet Paper roll from Next Stitch
Remember when you could walk in any store and find toilet paper?  Anymore I almost want to shoot streamers in the air when my local stores have any on the shelf.  If you aren't there within an hour of the store opening you are pretty much out of luck.  Mimi over at Next Stitch decided to commemorate this tp shortage with a cute amigurumi roll so that you never have to be without. Find the complete pattern for free here, or visit her Etsy shop for an ad free PDF version.

Joyce Overheul over at The Flying Dutchman Crochet Designs created this adorable little virus to "encourage people to stay home". Her pattern is available for free on her website here.

Then there is this quick adult size crochet mask.  The site says that the "team designed this mask following the CDC's recommendation that homemade masks can be used to effectively help stop the spread of COVID-19."  It is lined, although it does not appear to have a pocket for additional filter material.  That is easily remedied by only stitching the lining to the crochet portion at the top and bottom, leaving the sides open to slide the filter material in.  You can find this pattern here. You will need to download it from the site by selecting the download button, but it is a free download.

And the last thing I want to leave you with is the cute video that Matthew West created, Quarantine Life:

Stay safe!