I have been saving pictures of inspiration pieces for some time now, sticking them in a folder with the thought that I would one day sit down and work out a pattern for it. That is how this one came about. The picture was of an adult hat, and to be honest I don't even know where I found the original picture, which is why I am not sharing it.
Well, with all the baby hats I have been making I wanted to design one of my own. So I flipped through my inspiration album and chose this one. It should fit a newborn, but can easily be resized to fit just about anyone by adding multiples of 4 stitches. If you find a problem with the pattern, please let me know as it hasn't been tested.
That being said, here is the hat:
and here is the pattern:
Owl Newborn Hat
will need:
6 dpn
weight yarn. example worked using Bernat
Baby Sport in colorway denim marl
stitch guide:
C4B = Cable Four Back; Worked
over 4 sts. Place the first 2 sts on cable needle, hold in back of work, K2,
then K2 from the cable needle.
C4F = Cable Four Front: Worked
over 4 sts. Place the first 2 sts on cable needle, hold in front of work, K2,
then K2 from the cable needle.
p2tog = purl next two stitches together
pattern begins here
co 58
r 1-2: k2, p2, k8, *p2, k2 repeat from * around ending with p2
r3: k2, p2, C4b, C4F, *p2, k2 repeat from *
r4-5: repeat r1 and r2
r6: p in the
front and back of next stitch, p3, k8, p in next 15, p in front and back of
next stitch, p in remaining stitches (60 stitches)
r7-10: p in
5, k8, p in remaining
r11: p5, C4B, C4F, p in remaining
r12: repeat
r13-14: p5, K1, P2, K2, P2, K1, p
in remaining
r15-16: repeat r7
r17: p5, place 2
stitches in the cable needle and hold to back, k2, p the two stitches on the
cable needle, place 2 stitches on the cable needle and hold to front, p2, k the
two stitches on the cable needle, p remaining stitches
r18: p5, k2, p4, k2, p remaining
r 19: p around
repeat r19 until hat measures 4 inches from beginning
begin decreases
r1: *p8, p2tog repeat from * around
r2: p around and every even round
r3: *p7, p2tog repeat
from * around
r5: *p6, p2tog repeat
r7: *p5, p2tog repeat
r9: *p4, p2tog repeat
r11: *p3, p2tog
r13: *p2, p2tog
r15: *p1, p2tog repeat
r17 * p2tog repeat
break off leaving a long tail. weave
tail into live stitches and pull tight.
I would love for you to share pictures of your completed hats on my Facebook page. And if you have some extra yarn, please consider making an extra hat to donate to a charitable organization such as God's Tiny Angels
Until next time,

If you have enjoyed this pattern, would you consider donating a small amount to Sunflowers at Home?