"Changing our circumstances rarely changes us. What transforms our outlook and us is an attitude shift. It's God's job to determine our circumstances. It's our job to cooperate with him in the midst of them, adjusting and realigning our attitudes with the truth of Scripture."
I spent years trying to change the circumstances to make me happy. I had a bad home life growing up, so I got out as soon as I could. I still wasn't happy. I was lonely so I started dating early, that didn't make me happy. My first relationship was rocky, so I got pregnant (not on purpose, but we weren't trying to prevent it either). That didn't help anything. Changing circumstances won't change us, and I was what needed to change. I couldn't find happiness because I was looking to the world to make me happy, when only God could fill that hole in my heart. I had to shift my attitude.
The issues in my life were orchestrated to show me that He was the key to heart. Once I accepted that and began to cooperate with Him, I found happiness. But I still have to remember Scriptural truths. My flesh is weak and more often than I like it wants to revert back to the person who blames everything around her for how she feels rather than dig deep into God's truths and look to Him for my joy. This is why it is so important for us to stay grounded in His word.
Karen made an analogy in a past chapter using sweet tea. What comes out of our cup is what we put into our cup. Put in some sweet, refreshing tea and that is what comes out when life gets jostled. Put in some bitter coffee and let it sit and grow cold and that is what comes out when life is jostled. Sweet readers, God's word is our sweet tea! You quite often can't change your circumstances, but you can change what gets jostled out of you by changing what you put in. When we consciously choose to put in God's sweet words we begin to push out the old bitter coffee that had been in there previously, things like anger, resentment, unforgiveness, foul language, gossip, etc. Instead we are filling it with the fruits of the spirit (flavored tea anyone?) love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, self-control.
So to this end I am going to be bringing back my weekly Scripture cards. I pray that they bless you and will help you to fill up on some sweet tea. But don't stop there, even sweet tea will go bad if you leave it sit untouched for to long!
Until next time,
This post was written as a response to Melissa Taylor's Online Bible Study of Karen Ehman's book Let. It. Go.: How to Stop Running the Show and Start Walking in Faith